
This is the project website for Thomas Crosley and Karanbir Singh's UW CSE 571 class project. On this page we will share updates on our progress. To view our open-source code you can visit the repo here.

Project Summary

We are working on action-conditional video prediction as described in the 2015 paper by Oh, et al. Action-Conditional Video Prediction using Deep Networks in Atari Games. The goal for the project is to implement the baseline algorithm on simple datasets, and then scale up the complexity of the data and make adjustments to the algorithm accordingly.


Here is a link to our presentation.

Here is our final paper.


Below, we have set goals for the project so we can track progress through the end of the quarter.

Milestone 1 (Midpoint - November 21st)

Milestone 2 (November 28th)

Milestone 3 (Final - December 12th)

Authors and Contributors

This is the project website for @crosleythomas and @karanbirsingh.