Part 6: Exporting, Testing, and Deploying
One of the nice things about using Estimator is that it handles the basic export for us. Estimator saves checkpoints of all learnable weights so we can load them back in later. The clunkiest part of saving/restoring models in TensorFlow is keeping the graph structure and graph weights (checkpoints) together.
An Estimator can’t be restored from just a checkpoint file (since it does not contain the structure of the model!) so we also need to save the structure. TensorFlow does save a graph.pbtxt
file with Estimator, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to load the Estimator back in with it. You still have to define model_fn
when constructing a tf.estimator.Estimator
so we will need to load back in
The best way I’ve found to load the model back in for simple test cases or visualization is to import the model_fn
and create an Estimator like we did during training. This is why we copied over the
file and now we pass the output_dir
with the path to our saved checkpoints.
Exporting your model in production adds another level of complexity and is something I haven’t had to do yet. See here for details on exporting for production or wait for the next update to this page.
Your testing might come in all different forms such as:
- Evaluating on a final test set
- A visualization that relies on predictions from the model
- Production web service
Evaluating on a test set is easy. Once again, just use the evaluate function the same way we did in the training/validation loop. This time you just swap out the final testing set.
For a visualization or service that relies on the model you will probably want to use the predict function which is also part of estimator.
Predict is one of the modes we specified in the model_fn
of our Estimator. If you remember, we have the following:
# 2. Generate predictions
if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
predictions = {'output': h}
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, predictions=predictions)
When we call the predict
function of Estimator, mode will get passed as tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT
so the predictions are computed and then immediately returned.
The most import thing we need to use predict
is an input_fn
. For a lot of use cases, such as visualizations, creating a Dataset and Iterator might be overkill and ill-suited if we don’t have prepared data.
Another option is to use tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn. This function returns features
and labels
like a Dataset Iterator so we can feed them into an Estimator.
The code below is one example of construction a simple input_fn
to use with the model we have. You can test the code in a file
in the model_dir
of your saved model. Also, use this test image.
### Inside <model_dir>/ ###
import tensorflow as tf
from model import model_fn, params
# Load a sample image
image = imageio.imread('test.jpg')
image = image[0:200,0:300,0:3] # a little manual crop
model_dir = ...
# Load the model
estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn, model_dir=model_dir, params=params)
# Create the input_fn
input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn(x={'image' : image}, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False)
# Predict!
Deploying a TensorFlow model in production is something I haven’t had to do yet. Hopefully more on this later but for now you should be able to find good documentation in the Programmer’s Guide and under TensorFlow Deploy.
Continue Reading
Part 7 summarizes all the pieces so far and how to put them all together.